Science dissemination

IHCLab collaborates on an international study on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education students

February, 2025 - IHCLab
Categories: Balanced scorecard COVID-19 Dashboard Balanced Scorecard

X Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC) 2021 edition

November, 2021 - IHCLab
Categories: Accessibility CLIHC Evento LAIHC IHC

IHCLab on World Usability Day 2021

November, 2021 - IHCLab
Categories: Accessibility UXPA Evento

On Saturday, November 13, the Association of User Experience Professionals (UXPA), Mexico chapter organized the free online event to celebrate World Usability Day 2021, the central theme on this occasion was the Design of Our Online World: Trust, Ethics and integrity.

In this edition, our colleague and head of the accessibility area, Dr. Silvia Berenice Fajardo Flores, participated with the theme "Accessibility is not a separate issue." Dr. Silvia explained to us the importance of considering accessibility as one of the fundamental elements in the design and development process as a human rights issue.

We invite you to see this interesting talk and the others that were given at this event.

Workshop: Videogame Development

September, 2021 - IHCLab
Categories: Videojuegos Taller Evento

Interview: Respiratory patterns

We invite you to listen to the interview on Universo Radio with our student Oscar Castrejón about his master's thesis in Analysis of respiratory patterns for health care. (audio in spanish)

Interview: Videogames and COVID-19

September, 2021 - IHCLab
Categories: Videojuegos Entrevista Juegos activos Exergames COVID-19

We invite you to listen to the interview on Universo Radio with Prof. Pedro Santana about video games during the COVID-19 pandemic. (audio in spanish)

DIY Microcontroller Projects for Hobbyists

August, 2021 - IHCLab

Artificial Intelligence in Human-Computer Interaction

July, 2021 - IHCLab

The IHCLab invites you to publish with the theme "Artificial Intelligence in Human-Computer Interaction" in the magazine Komputer Sapiens. Komputer Sapiens, is a journal of scientific dissemination indexed in the Index of Mexican Journals of Scientific and Technological Disclosure of CONACYT and in Latindex.

For more information: