Maestro en computación
Head of Development
Master in Computing from the University of Colima. He has collaborated as Coordinator of the development of multimedia applications, Responsible for the quality management system, ISO 9001 internal auditor and director of production in the Dirección General de Recursos Educativos Digitales of the Universidad de Colima, he has participated in more than 90 educational software projects such as the online evaluation system of the Universidad de Colima, evPraxis.
He is a professor of different subjects at the Faculty of Telematics. His research interests are human-computer interaction, educational technology, serious games, and learning analytics.
Member of the Latin American Human-Computer Interaction Community (LAIHC), the Mexican Association of Human-Computer Interaction (AMEXIHC), and the Mexican Society of Computer Science (SMCC).
Desarrollo de un juego serio para adquirir competencias en intervención comunitaria para trabajo social
Rodríguez-Ortiz M. A., Santana-Mancilla P. C., Gaytán-Lugo L. S., García-Ruiz M. A., Montesinos-López O. A. y Guzmán-Sandoval V. (2021) Desarrollo de un juego serio para adquirir competencias en intervención comunitaria para trabajo social. En Santana-Mancilla P. C., Guerrero-Ibañez J. A., Ramírez J. M. y Fajardo-Flores S. B. (Eds) Tecnologías de información: sus aplicaciones y contribuciones. Universidad de Colima
Accessibility Assessment for Online Education Tools: Towards Accessible Principles for a Mexican University
Fajardo-Flores, S. B., Gaytan-Lugo, L. S., Santana-Mancilla, P. C. & Rodriguez-Ortiz, M. A. (2021). Accessibility Assessment for Online Education Tools: Towards Accessible Principles for a Mexican University. EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning.
Towards a wearable device for monitoring health of athletes
Victor Hugo Pérez Andrade, Pedro C. Santana-Mancilla, Silvia B. Fajardo-Flores, Eduardo García Michel, Laura S. Gaytán-Lugo, and Miguel A. Rodríguez-Ortiz. 2019. Towards a wearable device for monitoring health of athletes. In Proceedings of the IX Latin American Conference on Human Computer Interaction (CLIHC '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 19, 1–6. DOI:
Acceso No Visual a Contenidos Digitales
Fajardo Flores, S. B., Gaytan-Lugo, L. S., Santana-Mancilla, P. C. & Rodríguez Ortiz, M. A., (2019). Acceso No Visual a Contenidos Digitales. In Castro, L. A. & Rodríguez, M. D., Interacción Humano-Computadora y Aplicaciones en México. Academia Mexicana de Computación.
Uso de Juegos Serios para la Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de Competencias en Nivel Superior
Santana-Mancilla, P. C., Garcia-Ruiz, M. A., Gaytan-Lugo, L. S., Rodríguez Ortiz, M. A. & Fajardo Flores, S. B., (2019). Uso de Juegos Serios para la Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de Competencias en Nivel Superior. In Castro, L. A. & Rodríguez, M. D., Interacción Humano-Computadora y Aplicaciones en México. Academia Mexicana de Computación.
Teaching HCI Skills in Higher Education through Game Design: A Study of Students’ Perceptions
Santana-Mancilla, P. C., Rodriguez-Ortiz, M. A., Garcia-Ruiz, M. A., Gaytan-Lugo, L. S., Fajardo-Flores, S. B., & Contreras-Castillo, J. (2019). Teaching HCI Skills in Higher Education through Game Design: A Study of Students’ Perceptions. Informatics, 6(2), 22. MDPI AG.