
Journal papers

An IoMT system for health monitoring in athletes

Keywords: Internet of Medical Things IoMT Wearable Computing High Intensity Interval Training Athletes

García Michel, E., Santana-Mancilla, P. C., Fajardo-Flores, S. B., Gaytan-Lugo, L. S., Pérez Andrade, V. H., Amezcua Cobián, G., Virgen Casillas, O., & Zaizar Fregoso, S. A. (2020). An IoMT system for health monitoring in athletes. Avances En Interacción Humano-Computadora, 5(1), 62-67.

2020 Avances En Interacción Humano-Computadora

Continuous health monitoring in real-time has become essential to improve people's quality of life through medical prescription or personal control. Our goal is to develop a wearable IoMT device with real-time monitoring of heart rate and breathing patterns while an athlete performs physical exercise at high-intensity intervals. The wearable IoMT device incorporates vital signs sensors to record and display information in a mobile application, allowing users to track their health and receive an alert if the data exceeds normal parameters.