keyword: lsm

Promoting reading and writing skills in d/Deaf students of elementary level in special and mainstream schools, through the use of interactive materials designed with a bilingual-bicultural approach

Status: Active

Interinstitutional project from the National Strategic Projects of CONACYT (PRONACES) oriented to promoting reading and writing skills in d/Deaf students. Duration: 2022-2024.

Institutions: Universidad de Colima, Laboratorio Nacional de Informática Avanzada, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Guzmán, Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis, Asociación Manzanillense de Apoyo a Sordos I.A.P., Inclusión Un Mundo Posible I.A.P., Casa del Sordo Puebla, Ministries of Education in Colima, Puebla and Veracruz, through their Department of Special Education.