Type: Journal papers

Accessibility Assessment for Online Education Tools: Towards Accessible Principles for a Mexican University

2021 — EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning

Teaching HCI Skills in Higher Education through Game Design: A Study of Students’ Perceptions

2019 — Informatics, 6(2), 22. MDPI AG

A review of deep learning applications for genomic selection

2021 — BMC Genomics

We review the applications of deep learning (DL) methods in genomic selection (GS) to obtain a meta-picture of GS performance and highlight how these tools can help solve challenging plant breeding problems. We also provide general guidance for the effective use of DL methods including the fundamentals of DL and the requirements for its appropriate use. We discuss the pros and cons of this technique compared to traditional genomic prediction approaches as well as the current trends in DL applications.

Towards an electronic device to facilitate navigation in smartphones to people with motor and visual impairment

2020 — Avances En Interacción Humano-Computadora

In this paper, we analyze the physical characteristics of a user with both visual and motor impairment, as well as the user’s context of smartphone use. In order to facilitate navigation using gestures that are easy to do by users with motor and visual impairment, we designed two hardware solutions as physical switches: a case mounted on the phone, and an electronic bracelet. We present the low fidelity prototype of both devices, the proposed user gestures, and their advantages and disadvantages.

Human computer-interaction in Latin America

2021 — Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research has been traditionally carried out with users in upper income countries in industrialized nations. However, there is a growing need to deepen the understanding of relatively underserved communities and their interaction with computing technologies. This is the case of Latin America (LATAM), a region that has a unique set of sociotechnical characteristics and a unique set of challenges and problems.