

Tecnologías de información: sus aplicaciones y contribuciones

Keywords: Tecnologías de información Salud Educación Competencias laborales

Santana-Mancilla, P. C., Guerrero, J. A., Ramírez, J. M. & Fajardo, S. B. (2021). Tecnología de información: sus aplicaciones y contribuciones. Colima, Col: Universidad de Colima.

2021 Universidad de Colima

This book is the result of the experience of its authors who, from their disciplinary perspective, raise the need to work in constant change through innovation in Information Technology (IT) and that aims to be useful and informative both for the academia, as for the health sector and industry.

The work is organized into three categories and seven chapters: The first is dedicated to health and it deals with IT applications that promote a better quality of life for their users. The second deals with IT applications in education, which details the development of tools that are aimed at being fully integrated into Education 4.0. Finally, the third section explains aspects of IT applications to achieve job competencies, which will help users to integrate in an innovative way to Industry 4.0.